
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
1605 - 1705 kHz

Relevant FCC Auctions:
Auction 32 (AM Broadcast Stations), $1,520,375
Auction 84 (AM Filing Window), $0
Auction 88 (Closed Broadcast), $1,442,450
 Total net auction bids: $2,962,825

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
1615 - 1705 kHz

ITU Region 1 Allocations
1625 - 1635 kHz

ITU Region 2 Allocations
1625 - 1705 kHz

ITU Region 3 Allocations
1606.5 - 1800 kHz


Band Uses (1605 - 1800 kHz)


5.89   In Region 2, the use of the band 1 605-1 705 kHz by stations of the broadcasting service is subject to the Plan established by the Regional Administrative Radio Conference (Rio de Janeiro, 1988).
    The examination of frequency assignments to stations of the fixed and mobile services in the band 1 625 1 705 kHz shall take account of the allotments appearing in the Plan established by the Regional Administrative Radio Conference (Rio de Janeiro, 1988).

5.90   In the band 1 605-1 705 kHz, in cases where a broadcasting station of Region 2 is concerned, the service area of the maritime mobile stations in Region 1 shall be limited to that provided by ground-wave propagation.

5.91   Additional allocation: in the Philippines and Sri Lanka, the band 1 606.5-1 705 kHz is also allocated to the broadcasting service on a secondary basis. (WRC-97)

5.93   Additional allocation: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the frequency bands 1 625 1 635 kHz, 1 800-1 810 kHz and 2 160-2 170 kHz are also allocated to the fixed and land mobile services on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. (WRC 15)

US299   In Alaska, the band 1615-1705 kHz is also allocated to the maritime mobile and Alaska fixed services on a secondary basis to Region 2 broadcast operations.

NG1  The band 535-1705 kHz is also allocated to the mobile service on a secondary basis for the distribution of public service information from Travelers Information Stations operating in accordance with the provisions of 47 CFR 90.242 on 10 kilohertz spaced channels from 540 kHz to 1700 kHz.

NG5  In the band 535-1705 kHz, AM broadcast licensees and permittees may use their AM carrier on a secondary basis to transmit signals intended for both broadcast and non-broadcast purposes. In the band 88-108 MHz, FM broadcast licensees and permittees are permitted to use subcarriers on a secondary basis to transmit signals intended for both broadcast and non-broadcast purposes. In the bands 54-72, 76-88, 174-216, 470-608, and 614-698 MHz, TV broadcast licensees and permittees are permitted to use subcarriers on a secondary basis for both broadcast and non-broadcast purposes. Use of the band 614-698 MHz is subject to the provisions specified in NG33.


Amateur Radio 160 m Band (ITU Regions 2 & 3)
AM Broadcast Band
AM Broadcast Band
Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL)

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (1)
Band Plan (2)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 1605 kHz 1702.5 kHz 1800 kHz
Wavelength 186.8 m 176.1 m 166.6 m
Band designator(s) MF MF MF
Isotropic collecting area 2,776.4 m2 2,467.5 m2 2,207.4 m2
Free space loss (1 m) N/A (near field) N/A (near field) N/A (near field)
Free space loss (1 km) 36.6 dB 37.1 dB 37.6 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 56.6 dB 57.1 dB 57.6 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 76.6 dB 77.1 dB 77.6 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 96.6 dB 97.1 dB 97.6 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
127.6 dB 128.1 dB 128.6 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 148.1 dB 148.6 dB 149.1 dB
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