
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
14.5 - 14.8 GHz

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
14.7145 - 14.8 GHz
Space research 5.509G

ITU Region 1 Allocations
14.75 - 14.8 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.510
Space research 5.509G

ITU Region 2 Allocations
14.75 - 14.8 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.510
Space research 5.509G

ITU Region 3 Allocations
14.75 - 14.8 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) 5.509B 5.509C 5.509D 5.509E 5.509F 5.510
Space research 5.509G



5.509B   The use of the frequency bands 14.5-14.75 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 163 (WRC 15) and 14.5 14.8 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 164 (WRC 15) by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellites. (WRC 15)

5.509C   For the use of the frequency bands 14.5-14.75 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 163 (WRC 15) and 14.5-14.8 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 164 (WRC 15) by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service, the fixed-satellite service earth stations shall have a minimum antenna diameter of 6 m and a maximum power spectral density of −44.5 dBW/Hz at the input of the antenna. The earth stations shall be notified at known locations on land. (WRC 15)

5.509D   Before an administration brings into use an earth station in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands 14.5-14.75 GHz (in countries listed in Resolution 163 (WRC 15)) and 14.5 14.8 GHz (in countries listed in Resolution 164 (WRC 15)), it shall ensure that the power flux-density produced by this earth station does not exceed −151.5 dB(W/(m2 · 4 kHz)) produced at all altitudes from 0 m to 19 000 m above sea level at 22 km seaward from all coasts, defined as the low-water mark, as officially recognized by each coastal State. (WRC 15)

5.509E   In the frequency bands 14.50-14.75 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 163 (WRC 15) and 14.50 14.8 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 164 (WRC 15), the location of earth stations in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service shall maintain a separation distance of at least 500 km from the border(s) of other countries unless shorter distances are explicitly agreed by those administrations. No. 9.17 does not apply. When applying this provision, administrations should consider the relevant parts of these Regulations and the latest relevant ITU R Recommendations. (WRC 15)

5.509F   In the frequency bands 14.50-14.75 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 163 (WRC 15) and 14.50 14.8 GHz in countries listed in Resolution 164 (WRC 15), earth stations in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service shall not constrain the future deployment of the fixed and mobile services. (WRC 15)

5.509G   The frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz is also allocated to the space research service on a primary basis. However, such use is limited to the satellite systems operating in the space research service (Earth-to-space) to relay data to space stations in the geostationary-satellite orbit from associated earth stations. Stations in the space research service shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations in the fixed and mobile services and in the fixed-satellite service limited to feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service and associated space operations functions using the guardbands under Appendix 30A and feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 2. Other uses of this frequency band by the space research service are on a secondary basis. (WRC 15)

5.510   Except for use in accordance with Resolution 163 (WRC 15) and Resolution 164 (WRC 15), the use of the frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) is limited to feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service. This use is reserved for countries outside Europe. Uses other than feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service are not authorized in Regions 1 and 2 in the frequency band 14.75-14.8 GHz. (WRC 15)


Proposed Air-Ground Broadband for Passengers Aboard Aircraft
NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)
Radio Astronomy Formaldehyde (H2CO) Observations
ARC-23 Agenda Item 1.13
Possible new FSS allocations, 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) Agenda Item 1.6
WRC-27 study for potential IMT use

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 14.5 GHz 14.65 GHz 14.8 GHz
Wavelength 2.1 cm 2.0 cm 2.0 cm
Band designator(s) SHF; Ku-band (IEEE) SHF; Ku-band (IEEE) SHF; Ku-band (IEEE)
Isotropic collecting area 0.3 cm2 0.3 cm2 0.3 cm2
Free space loss (1 m) 55.8 dB 55.8 dB 55.9 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 115.8 dB 115.8 dB 115.9 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 135.8 dB 135.8 dB 135.9 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 155.8 dB 155.8 dB 155.9 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 175.8 dB 175.8 dB 175.9 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
206.9 dB 206.8 dB 206.9 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 227.4 dB 227.3 dB 227.4 dB
Simple HTML Table