Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS)
According to the FCC (FCC 15-38):
"In 1997, the Commission developed a band plan making 1,300 megahertz of LMDS spectrum in each basic trading area (BTA) across the United States. Specifically, the Commission allocated two LMDS licenses per BTA -- an "A Block" and a "B Block" in each. The A Block license is comprised of 1,150 megahertz of total bandwidth, and the B Block is comprised of 150 megahertz of total bandwidth...Of the 986 designated license areas (492 BTAs times two licenses per BTA), 416 areas have active licenses, which cover about 75 percent of the U.S. population."
LMDS was originally envisioned as a fixed broadband point-to-multipoint microwave service. LMDS spectrum was auctioned in 1998 and 1999 for a total of approximately $623 million.
In FCC 15-38,the FCC proposed to open the 27.5-28.35 GHz LMDS spectrum for broadband mobile communications. In 2016 the Commission converted licenses for the 27.5 – 28.35 GHz band portion of the A Block to the Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS), and granted mobile rights to the existing licensees.