
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
1435 - 1525 MHz
MOBILE (aeronautical telemetry) US338A

FCC Rule Parts:
Aviation (87)

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
1435 - 1525 MHz
MOBILE (aeronautical telemetry) US338A

ITU Region 1 Allocations
1492 - 1518 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile
MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) 5.348 5.348A 5.348B 5.351A

ITU Region 2 Allocations
1492 - 1518 MHz
MOBILE 5.343
MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) 5.348 5.348A 5.348B 5.351A

ITU Region 3 Allocations
1492 - 1518 MHz
MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) 5.348 5.348A 5.348B 5.351A



5.341 In the bands 1400-1727 MHz, 101-120 GHz and 197-220 GHz, passive research is being conducted by some countries in a programme for the search for intentional emissions of extraterrestrial origin.

5.342 Additional allocation: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and Ukraine, the band 1429-1535 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile service on a primary basis exclusively for the purposes of aeronautical telemetry within the national territory. As of 1 April 2007, the use of the band 1452-1492 MHz is subject to agreement between the administrations concerned.

5.343 In Region 2, the use of the band 1435-1535 MHz by the aeronautical mobile service for telemetry has priority over other uses by the mobile service.

5.344 Alternative allocation: in the United States, the band 1452-1525 MHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile services on a primary basis (see also No. 5.343).

5.348 The use of the band 1518-1525 MHz by the mobile-satellite service is subject to coordination under No. 9.11A. In the band 1518-1525 MHz stations in the mobile-satellite service shall not claim protection from the stations in the fixed service. No. 5.43A does not apply.

5.348A In the band 1518-1525 MHz, the coordination threshold in terms of the power flux-density levels at the surface of the Earth in application of No. 9.11A for space stations in the mobile-satellite (space-to-Earth) service, with respect to the land mobile service use for specialized mobile radios or used in conjunction with public switched telecommunication networks (PSTN) operating within the territory of Japan, shall be –150 dB(W/m²) in any 4 kHz band for all angles of arrival, instead of those given in Table 5-2 of Appendix 5. In the band 1518-1525 MHz stations in the mobile-satellite service shall not claim protection from stations in the mobile service in the territory of Japan. No. 5.43A does not apply.

5.348B In the band 1518-1525 MHz, stations in the mobile-satellite service shall not claim protection from aeronautical mobile telemetry stations in the mobile service in the territory of the United States (see Nos. 5.343 and 5.344) and in the countries listed in No. 5.342. No. 5.43A does not apply.

5.351A For the use of the bands 1518-1544 MHz, 1545-1559 MHz, 1610-1645.5 MHz, 1646.5 1660.5 MHz, 1668-1675 MHz, 1980-2010 MHz, 2170-2200 MHz, 2483.5-2520 MHz and 2670 2690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC-07) and 225 (Rev.WRC 07). (WRC-07)

Could not find US84

US338 The following provisions shall apply in the frequency range 2305-2320 MHz:
  • (a) In the sub-band 2305-2310 MHz, space-to-Earth operations are prohibited.
  • (b) Within 145 km of Goldstone, CA (35° 25' 33" N, 116° 53' 23" W), Wireless Communications Service (WCS) licensees operating base stations in the band 2305-2320 MHz shall, prior to operation of those base stations, achieve a mutually satisfactory coordination agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
NOTE: NASA operates a deep space facility in Goldstone in the band 2290-2300 MHz.

US343 Differential-Global-Positioning-System (DGPS) Stations, limited to ground-based transmitters, may be authorized on a primary basis in the bands 108-117.975 and 1559-1610 MHz for the specific purpose of transmitting DGPS information intended for aircraft navigation. Such use shall be in accordance with ITU Resolution 413 (WRC-03).


Standard LTE Bands
WRC-27 consideration of MSS space-to-space links

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
Occupancy Measurements (10)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 1435 MHz 1480 MHz 1525 MHz
Wavelength 20.9 cm 20.3 cm 19.7 cm
Band designator(s) UHF; L-band (IEEE) UHF; L-band (IEEE) UHF; L-band (IEEE)
Isotropic collecting area 34.7 cm2 32.7 cm2 30.8 cm2
Free space loss (1 m) 35.9 dB 35.9 dB 36.1 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 95.9 dB 95.9 dB 96.1 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 115.9 dB 115.9 dB 116.1 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 135.9 dB 135.9 dB 136.1 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 155.9 dB 155.9 dB 156.1 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
187.0 dB 186.9 dB 187.1 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 207.5 dB 207.4 dB 207.6 dB